IMP  2.0.1
The Integrative Modeling Platform

This example shows how to filter the list of close pairs generated in the IMP.container.ClosePairContainer (or IMP.container.CloseBipartitePairContainer). Eventually the filter should probably be implemented in C++, for speed but implementing the filter in python is good for prototyping.

1 ## \example container/
2 ## This example shows how to filter the list of close pairs generated in the IMP.container.ClosePairContainer (or IMP.container.CloseBipartitePairContainer). Eventually the filter should probably be implemented in C++, for speed but implementing the filter in python is good for prototyping.
4 import IMP
5 import IMP.container
6 import IMP.core
7 import IMP.algebra
9 np=10
11  IMP.algebra.Vector3D(5,5,5))
12 ik= IMP.IntKey("num")
13 IMP.base.set_log_level(IMP.base.SILENT)
14 m= IMP.Model()
15 l= []
16 for i in range(0, np):
17  p= IMP.Particle(m)
18  p.add_attribute(ik, i)
20  l.append(p)
24 m.update()
25 print "without",[(x[0].get_name(), x[1].get_name()) for x in cpc.get_particle_pairs()]
27 class ConsecutiveFilter(IMP.PairPredicate):
28  def __init__(self):
29  IMP.PairPredicate.__init__(self, "ConsecutiveFilter%1%")
30  def get_value(self, pp):
31  diff= pp[0].get_value(ik) - pp[1].get_value(ik)
32  if diff==-1 or diff ==1:
33  return 1
34  return 0
35  def _do_get_inputs(self, m, pis):
36  return [m.get_particle(i) for i in pis]
37  def do_show(self, out):
38  pass
39 f= ConsecutiveFilter()
40 cpc.add_pair_filter(f)
41 m.update()
42 print "with",[(x[0].get_name(), x[1].get_name()) for x in cpc.get_particle_pairs()]