VMD Plugin

Building and installing

Once you build RMF, there will be a file called rmfplugin.so in the lib directory. Creating a link to that in the vmd/plugins/YOUR_ARCHITECTURE/molfile/ directory, should make vmd load the plugin next time it launches.

If you can't modify your VMD build's plugin directory, you can load the plugin by adding something like vmd_plugin_scandirectory /Users/drussel/src/rmf/32_bit/lib/ rmfplugin.so to your .vmdrc. Note, you probably also want to have the line menu main on to restore default behavior of VMD. Note also, this method does not allow you to open models from the command line. You have to launch VMD and then do New Molecule....

Building on Mac OS

VMD doesn't seem to support 64 bit builds on MacOS (at least no usable pre-built ones are provided). By default, RMF is built 64 bit, and so the plugin will not work. To build a 32 bit version with HomeBrew do

  • build szip, hdf5, log4cxx and boost with the --universal flag (you have to uninstall them first).
  • configure RMF with -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386
  • build it and link as above


  • If your version of VMD is not 1.9.1, pass the correct path for finding the headers to cmake: -DVMDPLUGIN_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/vmd/plugin/include. The directory is the one that contains molfile_plugin.h.
  • VMD's plugin model supports static geometry and atoms (or pseudo atoms) that change with each frame. So no moving cylinders. Balls are mapped to atoms.
  • the plugin is linked against libRMF and Avro in the build directory
  • it has not been tested on Windows