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Re: [IMP-dev] values and objects

Is anyone current using any of the listed methods from python? The only one of the methods that is called from a test case or an example is the one is saxs, but Dina, as far as I know, doesn't even build the python wrappers herself.

As a result, since it is a weekend, I checked in the fixed wrappers and hid the problematic methods to test that the new typemaps pass all of our tests, but am quite happy to back them out for a while and unhide things that are currently being used to give some time to fix them.

On Jun 5, 2011, at 11:36 AM, Javier Velazquez wrote:

> I'll fix the em2d part as soon as I can
> On 06/04/2011 01:25 PM, Daniel Russel wrote:
>> I found a bug in the swig wrappers which I would like to fix. Fixing it though exposes issues with various things being passed around improperly by functions that are part of the api in various modules.
>> In particular the following have issues (proposed fixes show)
>> - em2d::do_segmentation(): return the opencv matrix instead of pass by ref. As it is internally reference counted there is no reason not to.
>> - em2d::Image::get_min_and_max_values: return a FloatRange
>> - em2d::get_peak() return a pair of values
>> - em2d::ProjectionParameters::get_keys()- return FloatKeys
>> - em::MapReaderWriter all methods: I don't see any need to export them to python anyway
>> - em::ImageHeader::get_{date,time,title}: return std::string
>> - em::KerenParameters and em::RadiusDependentDistanceMask are pretty much a mess in terms of how they are passed and stored, there are plans to revamp it all, so just hiding the methods dealing with them seems ok for now.
>> - saxs::Score::fit_profile: the profile argument can probably be passed by const-ref or value, but it is not entirely clear to me
>> - multifit::FFTFitting::get_wrapped_index and get_wrapped_correlation_map: can return an Ints
>> - multifit::fitting_clustering: should probably just return the solutions
>> + a few others which had obvious, non-breaking fixes which can make.
>> I'd like to commit the wrapper changes. To do this, I'd just hide the above functions from python, they can be fixed and exposed as needed. Thoughts.
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> Javier Velazquez
> Postdoc at Salilab, UCSF
> 1700 4th st. Byers Hall, office 503
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