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[IMP-dev] Proposal: replace BasicScoreFuncParams with PairPotential

I propose to replace BasicScoreFuncParams with classes derived from PairPotential (of course the name is also up for discussion if you hate that one). This would then be used by restraints that need a ScoreFunc generator (Connectivity, ExclusionVolume, PairConnectivity, Proximity). PairPotential classes are simple generators that create new ScoreFunc objects, given two Particles:

class PairPotential
  virtual ScoreFunc* create_score_func(Particle *p1, Particle *p2) = 0;

class UpperBoundPairPotential : public PairPotential
  UpperBoundPairPotential(Float mean, Float stdev);
  UpperBoundPairPotential(FloatKey radius, Float stdev);
  ScoreFunc* create_score_func(Particle*, Particle*) {
    return new HarmonicUpperBound(some_mean, some_stdev);

Restraints such as ProximityRestraint then take a pointer to a PairPotential, and own it. The advantage is that ProximityRestraint's two constructors (one using a fixed mean, and the other a fixed particle radius attribute) can now be collapsed into one; the 'add two radii together to get a mean distance' logic is now in the PairPotential. The other advantage is that pair potentials which do not use mean/stdev at all are straightforward. For example, a DOPE potential might look something like:

class DOPEPotential : public PairPotential
  ScoreFunc* create_score_func(Particle* p1, Particle* p2) {
    return new CubicSpline(p1->get_value("atom_type"),

Any thoughts/problems? I can of course clarify if any of this is unclear.

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data."
	- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle