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Re: [IMP-dev] Death to objects

there's got to be a way around that retaining objects? andrej

On Nov 6, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Daniel Russel wrote:

A possible fatal blow for objects came up when talking with Jeremy.

Lets say we load a PDB file. It creates a bunch of Particles, some of
which are AtomParticles, some ResidueParticles etc. Now it happens I am
doing coarse grained modeling, so I only care about the Residues and
want to approximate them by a sphere. I have no way of adding a radius
attribute to the already existing particle. I have to copy the particle to a new ResidueWithRadiusParticle (and delete the old one) or add a new
particle linked to the existing one. Deleting the old residue would
break all existing restraints which use the particle.

IMP-dev mailing list


Andrej Sali, Ph.D.
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences
University of California at San Francisco
UCSF MC 2552
Byers Hall Room 503B
1700 4th Street
San Francisco, CA  94158-2330, USA
Tel +1 (415) 514-4227; Fax +1 (415) 514-4231
Assistant, Ms. Karin Asensio, Tel +1 (415)514-4228; Lab +1 (415) 514-4232, 4233, 4258
Email ; Web http://salilab.org